Finisterre pocket knife, 4/6 pieces, 120 grs, Peperetes
What do we find in this product?
The razor clams are a mollusk that belongs to the Ensis species, highly valued, both for its flavor and for its nutritional values.
Very popular product for its gastronomic quality that is located in shallow sandy bottoms buried under the sand from the beaches of Finisterre, O Grove and Pobra do Caramiñal, they are highly desired for their excellent quality.
They are extracted by free lung which makes them reach the markets fully alive, without sand and with an exquisite presentation, truly a precious gastronomic treasure for gourmet palates.
Los Peperetes Galician Canning tradition
Prepared by Peperetes, it evokes something pleasant, appetizing, desired, tasty, different. That is the essence of our products and what you will discover in each of our cans. Our goal is to offer the best quality canned food, at the height of the most exquisite palates.
The process begins with a rigorous selection of the raw material, choosing only fresh products in their optimal season of consumption, supplying us in the best Galician fish and seafood markets with the best qualities and sizes.
From one generation to another one of our great secrets is transmitted: the care in the preparation of each product through artisanal methods, already forgotten in modern industry; that only a limited level of production can be allowed.
The entire process is accompanied by a strict quality control, monitoring both the raw material and the production of each can. Our high levels of demand allow us to offer a unique and high quality artisan product.
Properties of the Razors:
- Due to its low fat content and low caloric intake, the consumption of razor clams is especially recommended as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
- The razor clams provide essential fatty acids, helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- They are rich in iodine, and iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Helps growth, improves mental alertness, and strengthens nails, hair, and teeth.
Razor clams, sea water and lemon dot.
Data sheet
- Development
- Craft
- Net Weight
- 120 grams
- Weight Drained
- 75 grams
- Source
- Rías gallegas
- Sauce
- The natural